Michael Pieraccini
President Gunny’s Warriorsmpieraccini@gunnyswarriors.com
Michael is the father of Gunnery Sergeant Ryan Pieraccini who this foundation is named for. Michael’s vision is to continue his son’s passion for serving his brothers and sisters in the veteran community. Michael is a veteran of the Iraq War.
He served in the Air Force with the Civil Engineers as a Pavements and Construction Equipment Operator throughout his career retiring from the Air Force Reserve in 2008.
Michael is a resident of Texas and is retired from City Government.

Jan Pieraccini
Chair Personjpieraccini@gunnyswarriors.com
Being a Military Wife for 25 years and a Military Mom for 18 years, I have learned and lived the importance and satisfaction of helping veterans and their families. Over the years, our family have been involved with various Veteran Organizations and we have also received support and comradery from our vast military family.
Not only is starting Gunny’s Warriors a natural way to continue Ryan’s legacy and love for his fellow veterans, it is a way to continue my family’s desire to give back to our great country’s warriors. My bio picture is of Ryan and I when we first moved to Texas to be close to Ryan and his family.
Every time I look at this picture it reminds me of how happy we were to finally be together after his 18 years in the Marine Corps. My hope is that when you look at this picture you are reminded to treasure your family and your country’s heroes.

Rebecca Sedgwick
Rebecca is Ryan’s little sister. She has always supported Ryan and his fellow warriors especially during deployments with multiple packages and started many “goodie” drives to make sure Ryan’s Marines had packages and letters of support.
Since the formation of Gunny’s Warriors, Rebecca has taken her love for Ryan and commitment to continuing his legacy as her passion.As Treasurer, she will bring her professional experience as Payroll Supervisor and Human Resources Consultant to our Mission.

Brenton Matthew Williams
Board Memberbwilliams@gunnyswarriors.com
I served in the USMC as a 0311 stationed out of 29 palms CA. After two combat deployments one with 3/4 and the other with 2/7, I was then medically retired shortly following my EAS.
I currently live in Boerne TX with my wife and son. I enjoy long walks on the beach and reflecting on past life decisions, which is a poetic way of saying, I’ve run from the police in the desert and have been caught wishing I had worked harder on my cardio while in a jail cell. Ryan was my best friend. We met shortly after we both got out of the Marines, roaming around God’s green earth causing trouble together which is the proper way to refer to Texas. I miss him but know that he’d be happy knowing what we’re out here trying to accomplish.
I feel like I should have something prophetic to say in here but in short, I know there are a lot of Veterans right now that are suffering due to TBI’s from IED blasts, that don’t have the sufficient information to deal or understand what they’re going through and what they can expect from the future. Information that is now coming to light that can save their lives and in turn help heal a lot of unseen damage they are living with in a day-to-day basis.
Spending the time to get to know these other Veterans and equip them with the knowledge to live life at a higher level is time well spent, I think that’s something a lot of us can get behind.

Doug Brown
Board Memberdbrown@gunnyswarriors.com
Born and raised in the Texas Hill Country, I joined the Marine Corps in 2000 and deployed to Iraq in 2003-2004 with 1st Combat Engineer Battalion. My service continued at duty stations in California, Missouri, Virginia, and North Carolina for 13 years before transitioning out of the service.
I met Ryan in 2006 in Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri as Instructors for Engineer Equipment Instruction Company. Our mutual love of Texas, Texas Country Music, and the Corps started a support network that continues to this day with Gunny’s Warriors.
I am honored to have this opportunity to assist other Veterans and their families with support through Gunny’s Warriors and hope to provide the best support and information I can to help in the healing process.

Timothy Voss
Board Membertvoss@gunnyswarriors.com
I enlisted in the Army days after my 17th birthday and left home 20 days after my high school graduation. Turned 18 at Ft. Benning, Georgia, then was stationed at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky.
My first deployment was to Kosovo in 2000.I was then stationed at Ft. Drum, New York where I deployed to Afghanistan August 2003-April 2004. I then was deployed to Iraq in 2005.On December 30 2005, I was injured in an IED blast and evacuated out of Iraq. I eventually made it to BAMC at Ft. Sam Houston in San Antonio Texas to be treated for my injuries. I was medically retired from the Army in November 2007.
I am currently employed by the Army as a civilian instructor teaching basic warrior tasks and battle drills to AIT students at Ft. Sam Houston.I have been married since January 2002. My daughter was born in July 2002 and my son was born in April 2005.

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